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How Can Animal Communication Help Me With My Horse?

Horses are widely recognized as highly intelligent, sensitive and emotional beings. In my 2+ decades working as an animal communicator, the problems they face are almost always more complicated, and run more deeply than the other species that I regularly work with.

People often ask me what it’s like to communicate intuitively with horses. I always say that it’s very much like working with a human. Cats, dogs, bunnies and birds all have their unique and wonderful qualities, but horses are extraordinarily intelligent creatures. I find it very similar to the experiences I’ve had when working with whales and apes — horses are right up at the top of animal intelligence and awareness. Their problems, however, are very specific to their particular genus (Equs.)

The following is a list of the major categories of difficulties I’ve identified in working with horses, along with how animal communication can help.

Eight Common Health and Behavioral Issues Unique To Horses

1. Many — perhaps most — of our horses have typically had multiple owners and domiciles. The nature of horse breeding and sales generates repeated changes of ownership and boarding. Unfortunately, horses can often be perceived as expensive “commodities” that are sold off once they no longer suit their owner’s needs or expectations. This is terribly hard on such a sensitive being— imagine if you were abruptly and repeatedly moved to a completely different life situation every couple of years — and that stretches into two or more decades. I see this frequently; it seems to be the norm and not the exception. I think it’s tragic.

2. Being a horse is really hard on the body. In addition to suffering from a lot of the same ailments that other animals experience, many horse problems are unique to their anatomy, and also arise because of the ways that horses are used by humans. This results in a multitude of complicated and expensive orthopedic, GI tract, viral and sinus problems, to name just a few. I have worked with many horses that just want to “retire” from competition or even being ridden at all because their bodies have had enough. We need to listen to them.

3. Horses often experience harsh training situations. I’ve worked with horses (as well as greyhound racing dogs, by the way) that came from situations that were rigid, militaristic, and downright punishing. This breaks their spirit and not surprisingly results in depression and other ongoing emotional and anxiety issues. It then becomes a vicious cycle where the horse is labeled as headstrong, unpredictable, dangerous or unworkable. My experience with these horses is that they are not violent—they are terribly misunderstood, with a lot of “baggage” from how they had been treated earlier in their lives. It’s not their fault.

4. People are often at the root cause, or they perpetuate existing problems in horses. Unfortunately, I’ve seen this occur when a person has an inflexible “dream” of what they want the relationship to look like, even if it doesn’t suit the horse at all. In other words, it’s a bad match and the horse is unfortunately the one who pays the highest price. As an example, I’ve had some heartbreaking cases where the horses were clearly in great pain, and their person insisted on continuing with show jumping competitions, etc., even though common sense (and their own veterinarians) advised against it. Putting ego-driven goals ahead of your horse’s reality makes no sense to me. I wish this would stop.

5. Many horses travel great distances in their trailers, which is quite stressful for them. It can be scary, and the trips can also be very long as they traverse large sections of the country. It’s also dehydrating, and they are standing on their feet the entire time. Would you like to stand for 24 or more hours? These trips can be quite traumatic and the effects don’t disappear once they have reached their destination. It’s no wonder that so many people have regular trouble getting their horse into a trailer for transport. The memories last.

6. Horses repeatedly lose the friends they have made. Horses don’t thrive when they are alone for long periods of time. They love to have other companions around, even non-equine ones. A change of boarding— which is more typical than not, as people make many switches trying to find the “right” situation —results in them suddenly being pulled away from their good friends. It’s heartbreaking.

7. Horse’s high sensitivity makes them particularly vulnerable to anxiety and depression. As if the list above wasn’t already enough, a horse’s delicate psyche can also be its undoing. The first horse I ever worked with was severely clinically depressed from being sequestered from the rest of the herd she was being temporarily boarded with. She simply didn’t understand why it was this way; it greatly hurt her self-esteem and resulted in deep despair. I’ve also worked with several that were very negatively affected by alcoholic and abusive workers at their stables. I’ve even worked with a horse who had completely stopped eating due to a sudden bout of depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I was able to hone in on. (Did you know that animals, especially horses, can experience S.A.D? Happily, we easily resolved this issue for her in just a few days!)

8. The lifespan of a horse can be 25-30 years. This means that they carry their emotional problems with them for a very long time. Often, when I begin to work with them, it’s the first opportunity they’ve ever had to really be seen and heard, which is a huge relief for them. They need careful and compassionate help just as much as we do in order to shed their hurtful baggage.

How Animal Communication Sessions Can Improve Your Horse’s Life

My approach to working with horses and other animals is integrated and multi-faceted. My philosophy has always been holistic— looking at the entire being, both physically and emotionally. Because I am medically intuitive, this is an advantage over other types of animal communication you might be familiar with, because I can tell you what it feels like physically to be your horse, not merely what your horse is saying. For instance, I can help you to better understand where the aches and pains are, how mild or severe they are, if anxiety or depression are present (and to what degree), plus how all of these factors are affecting them from the inside out. In my sessions, I usually do the physical exploration first because as we all know, if one is not feeling well physically, it can certainly affect emotional well-being. If a client doesn’t have this physical feedback directly from their horse, they are truly missing half of the picture. A horse I recently worked with was having saddling problems; with the information I gathered directly from her, I was able to help her person figure out how to rectify the discomfort.

I know how to get at the roots of their emotional issues. As outlined above, horses often come with a complicated history and/or “baggage.” I’ve always labeled my techniques as working in both broad and deep ways. The information I get from them helps fill in the blanks for you regarding all that they have experienced before they came to you. I explore all of their emotional wounds with them — it’s very much like therapy — and I do energetic healings where needed. The horses experience a profound sense of relief as they release the pent-up emotions that they have been carrying with them for so many years. These healings are powerful and cathartic, and often result in an immediate improvement in mood as well as an easier way of being. It also gives them hope and encouragement that their life is improving for the better.

My way of working is very gentle — which is precisely what horses need. In all of my sessions— even with dogs and cats— I am adjusting my approach on the fly depending on what I’m encountering in the moment. I’m generally a very direct person, but also extremely gentle by nature, which serves me quite well in this line of work. I’ve therefore found that I can quickly and easily build a needed trust with these horses and get them to open up.

Serving as a communication bridge to help you and your horse promotes a greater understanding between you and also deepens your bond. Most people want to develop and sustain a meaningful — sometimes even spiritual — connection with their horse. Knowing exactly what they think, feel, want and need is absolutely invaluable in order to give them the life they so deserve.

My comprehensive and tailored services support you in making any needed changes in your horse’s life. Our sessions help you to arrive at pragmatic solutions that help both you and your horse become happier in your relationship.

A Bonus Tip For People Who Are Contemplating Adopting A Horse

One of my regular services to clients is “matchmaking” adoptions, in essence, helping you knoe who is a good match to bring into a household that has existing pets. I’ve also done this for clients who are considering bringing a horse into their life. Because adopting a horse is such an expensive decision, with additional distance and logistical considerations — plus an up-front commitment to fostering a potentially decades-long relationship — helping clients make the right choice from the beginning makes good sense.

In a nutshell, we talk through my client’s reasons and goals for this relationship and I work with potential adoptees to see if the horse’s wishes align well with what my client is looking for. It’s a good way to avoid creating expensive mistakes (financial and emotional). for either the person or the horse.

Final Thoughts And Advice Regarding Horses

Because boarding, feed and bedding, on-site vet visits, medicines, farrier services and bodywork can be significant in cost, horse owners may have a natural hesitancy regarding adding animal communication to the mix. Based on my two decades of work in this field, I’m convinced that it is every bit as important as the other types of treatment and maintenance (which most horse owners wouldn’t dream of skipping) and that it pays for itself in short order. It’s truly a completely different window into your horse’s well-being.

If you haven’t yet considered animal communication for your horse’s unresolved problems, you’ve been missing a huge part of the puzzle. This is helpful information that can’t be gotten at in any other way. Plus most of the solutions I offer my clients for those problems can be implemented right away!

You don’t need to be frustrated with dead ends, and your horse doesn’t need or deserve to suffer. Dealing with issues sooner rather than later will pay off for years to come, leaving you with a happier and more thriving equine companion. Please take advantage of my complimentary Discovery Session to learn more.

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