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Cat,dog and cat

Read some of my clients' testimonials

The following are reviews in my client's own words. (You can also read some of my case studies here.)


Health Issues

“Ali Amato is truly amazing. I worked with her and my senior dog Soleil a few months ago. My dog had problems with one of her paws. Without giving her a lot of information she came back with information that was totally on target. It blew me away. By connecting with Soleil she was able to help me research a treatment for her paw that was right on the money. Not only that she told me things about Soleil's life on a daily basis that confirmed I was doing things correctly to benefit Soleil. She is now very comfortable and going strong at 15. I highly recommend Ali as she truly has a gift. Not only that she is extremely compassionate about her gift to communicate with animals and also compassionate and sensitive towards their human companions. I am so blessed to have been able to work with her as she has also helped make my life more at ease. Thank you so much Ali.”
— Anne Marie S.


“Ali is the real deal!!!  I was referred to her by my vet and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have Ali come onto Winston's support team! My Winston, who is a beautiful 14 year old Labrador, was not feeling well at all and did not want to eat. None of the vets we visited with could figure out what the problem was. After numerous blood tests, X-rays and an ultrasound, everyone was at a loss as to what to do to help. As you can imagine, my stress level was at an all time high. After yet another round of blood tests, we found out that Winston had an inflamed liver and he was put on antibiotics that brought his well-being down even further. People did suggest that he was likely at the end of his lifespan and I might consider putting him down.

Enter Ali Amato. Not only did she have Winston to deal with...she had his stressed out Momma to deal with as well!  But Ali did a great job in managing both of us and she had a plan. Just when I was almost out of hope...she brought us back into a hopeful place. Ali spoke with Winston and found out that he was super nauseous and dizzy, and he just plain didn't feel good as a result…let alone feel like eating. Ali went through each and every one of Winston's medications and supplements to see if one of them was the culprit and sure enough, let me know which of the meds were causing his nausea and dizziness. She could also tell me which ones were particularly helpful. She then went to work on providing healing sessions for Winston to flush out his liver—and slowly but, surely his liver reading went back to normal. She also referred me to an integrative veterinarian to see if there were any alternatives to supplement the drugs that were causing Winston the extreme nausea and dizziness. The vet prescribed a combination of herbs to help with GI issues and inflammation and within 48 hours of taking those herbs, Winston started to eat and got his smile back on his face! He continues to eat well since that day!

Then came a staph infection that was now in his nasal passage—our next challenge. I let Ali know immediately and she went to work providing regular healing sessions for Winston, flushing out his nose and hitting it with a "virtual antibiotic". The goal was to have the staph mutate so that Winston could take a normal antibiotic. (The antibiotics initially prescribed for staph would have caused a lot of damage to Winston's bone marrow and internal organs and we were working to avoid that if at all possible.) To the vet’s surprise...the staph did mutate and Winston could now take a much milder antibiotic for it. Ali was instrumental in achieving that goal. Winston and I will be forever grateful to Ali for her gift and for her help in supporting him with his health issues, and literally bringing him back to life in his advanced years. Thank you Ali!! You are the best!”

— Sarah T.


“I was referred to Ali from one of my friends who had two kitties that Ali helped.  It wasn’t a good time for my kitty, who was 8 at the time.  Noah had life threatening issues tied to a urinary blockage. He had spent several nights in the Animal ICU and wasn’t getting better.  I called Ali to see if she should help us get him through all of this.

Ali’s thorough assessment of Noah was amazing!  She was able to connect with him to help him understand what was going on.  To some this might sound a bit odd.  Her connections with animals at such an incredibly level not only helped Noah get through a very critical illness, but she helped me better understand what he was going through so that I could help him where he needed it.

I have another kitty Lulu who was struggling while Noah was at the animal hospital.  Ali was able to connect with her to help her relax and not be so stressed with him not being at home.  She also helped when Noah came home and was wearing the cone.  She was scared to death of him!  Ali helped us gain peace at home, despite that darn cone!

The gift that Ali gives to pets and their owners is a connection and peace of mind!  She helped me care for Noah and interact with him to meet his needs.  As pet owners, we all try hard and do our best, but we only have a few pieces of information.  Ali’s connection with Noah provided me with details on why he was stressed, what was causing him to not eat well, and his frustration with wearing the cone.

Ali checked in with me several times to make sure I didn’t have questions and provided me with valuable information coming from Noah.  She really is an angel!

Many people are skeptical because they don’t understand a gift like this.  I will say this, as animal lovers, we all want the very best for our furry family members.  The challenge we face is that we either guess or think we know what they need.  To have someone connect with that animal at a very loving level—different than what we can, will change your animal’s life as well as yours for the better.  My only advice is don’t wait until there’s a crisis.

Ali was instrumental in getting Noah back to his normal self. (In fact, his additional scheduled surgery was canceled by the doctor.) I am forever grateful for her!  She is our angel!”

— Heidi T.


“After we spoke, Meeko really took a turn for the better…We are doing incredibly well! I am amazed at how well he is doing, and I am really enjoying (him) again…I am delighted in the changes I have seen in him since your communication. Thank you so much! You really helped us, and I am so grateful for this additional quality time with Meeko…”

— Zippy A.


“I found Ali on-line, searching for animal communicators, and have been very impressed with the early results my Westie has had in a short period of time.
Duffy has had a problem with licking his paws for a long time and we have exhausted many remedies  thru our vet with little or no results. 
Once Ali did a wellness and body scan exam on Duffy she found a number of allergies to foods, along with gluten sensitivities. Since that time we have switched my dog to a completely raw diet and he is now showing good results and loves the food! He has been completely taken off kibble and doesn’t seem to miss it at all.
The symptoms haven’t completely gone away, but I expect, over the next couple of months that we will see even better results.”

—  Bobbi B.


“Ali clearly recognizes the unique being and character of each animal she works with, which lends authenticity to her work. She has helped me with three of my pets. She first communicated with Pema after she was hit by a car, and the messages she relayed gave me great comfort that her soul was well after this traumatic passing. More recently, she helped me through the challenges of end-stage kidney disease with my other cat, which involved behavioral problems as well as health issues. I believe that Shikibu knew she had a great advocate in Ali, someone who could help me understand why she was doing the things she was doing, and in the end all was well between us. With my dog, Ali's work has been life-changing: she was able to tell me to stop dragging her around in the car because it made her stomach queasy, something I had never realized. As my dog ages, she is helping me more and more with additional insights into medical issues. I have recommended Ali to many friends and clients, for lost pets, medical issues, behavioral issues, end-of-life issues — and just to improve their relationship with their animal companions. Some were too skeptical to try her services, but those who did quickly recognized her genuineness and benefited from the compassionate heart she extends to our animal friends.”

— Anne H.


We are so happy to have found Ali! Our 1.5 yr old persian/himalayan cat started vomiting multiple times a day, for no apparent reason. We took her to two vets and had extensive blood tests, x-rays, and changed her food to see what was causing it. After two weeks of daily vomiting, we didn't know what to do, and thought we could lose her, so we decided to give Ali a chance to see what was going on with our Princess Peach. We found out that our recent carpet cleaning with chemical detergents were the cause. Ali made some recommendations that we started immediately, and Princess stopped vomitng by the next day, and became even MORE loving and grateful for us! It was beyond worth the extra effort to have our girl safe and feeling better than before! We now have some preventative measures and suggestions by Ali to help keep Princess in a healthy state of being. Thank you Ali!
— Griffin P.



“Thank you SO much for helping Bella & Gino & me get back on track. You truly have a sacred gift. I am thankful & inspired you are using it to help others — furry & non-furry. With love...”

— Jolene H.


“Thank you so much for your gifts that you provided for Gus and us. He’s doing great!!!”

— Bill S.


I remember the day so well, it was a Sunday morning and my beloved Seraphina, a blue-point Siamese, was vomiting up blood. I took her immediately to a local animal emergency center. With an X-Ray it was discovered she had eaten several elastic hair bands, and they were lodged in her stomach. They tried removing them via her mouth with a laparoscope but to no avail. Then they operated. 


In the meantime, her cousin Sydney was at home pining for her. Everything he ate, he threw up. He also had an upset stomach and kept going to the bathroom. I was so disturbed over Seraphina’s condition and Sydney’s behavior that I rang Ali for support. With her unique gift of being able to communicate with animals, she was able to discover why Seraphina acted out by eating the elastic bands, support Sydney with his behavioral issues, and expedite Seraphina’s recovery. She miraculously helped remove toxic substances associated with the anesthesia from Seraphina's body, and recommended other steps for us to implement going forward. 


Within a short period, my household was restored back to harmony. Seraphina has never eaten another dangerous thing again, and Sydney is back to his old self. Thank you, Ali, for your unique gifts for animal health and healing. 

— Tanya P.


We are so happy to have found Ali! Our 1.5 yr old Persian/Himalayan cat started vomiting multiple times a day, for no apparent reason. We took her to two vets and had extensive blood tests and x-rays, plus changed her food to see what was causing it. After two weeks of daily vomiting and a decreasing appetite, she was weak and we were very concerned we might lose her. We didn't know what to do, so we decided to give Ali a chance to see what was going on with our Princess Peach. We found out that our recent carpet cleaning with chemical detergents was causing Princess's liver and gall bladder to become toxic. Princess had been walking on the chemical residue, and licking herself which caused her vomiting due to the toxic overload to her organs.

A few weeks ago, our cat stopped eating and drinking while I was away, and she got very weak. We thought we were losing her. She had stopped talking (she usually is very talkative), she could barely walk and could hardly even open her eyes at one point.  She was very stressed as we had been packing up house for a month, and I had to go away twice in that period, which added to the stress.

We were very worried and the timing could not have been worse. We took her to the vet twice, once for an X-Ray which showed her spleen was enlarged and while there she was put on fluids. A few days later she had not improved so we went back. She was sedated and given a ‘deep’ internal exam which really just confirmed what the X-Ray had shown. She was given steroids plus a food enticement supplement. From the sedation and taking steroids for 2 days, it became obvious she was getting worse and still was barely eating or drinking. I took her off the medication and researched online for hours, holistic products, holistic vets etc. I bought all kinds of products I thought might help but she still needed more help. 


Then I came across Ali's website and because of her reviews, I contacted her. Ali is fantastic! She asked a lot of questions which helped her to know Bijou’s personality, habits, diet, and also what had been going on to lead to Bijou to her current state. 


Ali is very intuitive. She gave a huge amount of support, a clear diagnosis of what was happening physically with Bijou, communicated with her about our move, reassured her all was ok and encouraged her to heal. In addition, she recommended some supplements to help support her recovery. Within 24 hrs, Bijou was eating and drinking, started talking again and in a few more days was completely back to herself.

I highly recommend Ali. The concept and process of human/animal communication may seem hard to understand but all I can say is that whatever took place worked, and we are so happy our cat is alive and well and that she is able to come on this new adventure with us.
— Patricia C.

Behavioral & Emotional

 Were are DELIGHTED to have found Ali and we count ourselves incredibly fortunate to have received her help with our 16 year old kitty, Inez.  Ali has been an absolute GAME-CHANGER!  We were at our wits end as Inez was having major trouble with not using the litter box.  We were truly at the end of our rope and thinking about possibly having to put her down.  We had previously thought that it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome and we were attempting to treat her for that on our own since we'd pretty much tried everything else and our vet was running out of ideas. After working with Ali there were multiple things that came to light that we had no clue about (both physically and psychologically).  Like puzzle pieces falling into place it all started to make a lot more sense.  Ali was able to provide a much-needed therapy session for Inez plus some energy healing that has helped tremendously.  We went from having to wash 3 - 5 cat blankets per day to just a couple since our session 2 weeks ago.  It's been a night and day difference!  We've been implementing Ali's recommendations and seeing results. It feels good to finally be helping Inez feel better and for us to be more tuned-in to what she needs.  Ali has given our family our quality of life back and for that we are forever grateful!  Ali is a joy to work with and it's truly mind-blowing to experience her talent, knowledge, and many years of experience helping animals. We will be keeping Ali's number close at hand and we highly recommend her to anyone and everyone!  THANK YOU, Ali
— Jenny W.



I am a very analytical and skeptical person by nature. I took a leap of faith and worked with Ali to get some answers for my cat Harvey. He was having terrible anxiety and yowling around the clock, all hours of the day and night. (We had already exhausted options with the vet.) After Ali made contact with Harvey, things immediately improved. He was desperately trying to communicate his severe anxiety disorder to me. It was there since he was a kitten but worsened over time after multiple moves including a cross country relocation. She gave a broad range of suggestions and things are much better now. I would say things are 95% improved from where we were with the sleepless nights and the constant crazy in my household. I'm very happy I took a chance and tried something new. I will be using her again if any additional cat health and behavior issues arise! Thank you Ali! 

— Vanessa H.


“Thank you so much for your help yesterday. Max is not nearly as agitated and is much more receptive to me. My sense is that he feels much better...It was a pleasure talking to you.”

— Betsy D.


“Rachel is doing great so far; she walked nicely off the trailer after a long 6 hour trip and looked around with great curiosity and calm — people were impressed. She is settling in well. Yesterday I discovered that she will walk right with me all over the arena as long as I'd like — with no halter or rope at all. So she's already bonded with me which is amazing. I think all our long-distance conversations and Ali, your meeting with her, made this possible. Rachel is proving to be very thoughtful and very sweet...everything you told me is just how I see her and have experienced her. Thank you, Ali, for being yourself and believing in the gift you have — I know you help many animals and their people.” 

— Julia T.


“Just a note to say thank you again for all that you’ve done. You’re truly blessed with such a wonderful gift; I’m so happy you have chosen to pursue it...”

— Janice D.

End of Life

“Thank you, Ali! We managed to get through the first difficult week without our sweet Ollie. Thank you for your huge contribution to our healing. In gratitude,”

Anne B.


“Thank you again for all your kind support during a most difficult time. I truly appreciate your availability. Your patience. Your sensitivity to the painfulness of the circumstances. Thank you for being Jay’s voice when he so desperately needed to be heard and I so desperately wanted to hear. You helped us cross a chasm and move to a deeper connection infused with deep love and respect. I will be forever grateful.”

— Sharon M.


I am so grateful to have found Ali during a painful time of losing my dog, Bentley, who passed away at an early age of 5 years old.  My little guy endured so much during his final weeks from surgery and was so brave.  But I could feel his life slipping away.  I was left in a state of shock, feeling guilty and lost. I wanted reassurance that he was okay and safe.  Ali provided so much detail and I knew that was my little best friend coming through with his cute, strong, loving character and insight.  I felt uplifted after our conversation and now have more sense of peace.  I would recommend anybody who is suffering from the loss of their best friend to reach out to Ali.

— Chantal M.



“We thank you so much for your loving help and support during this difficult time ! Lots of love and greetings from Maui.”

— Ursula and Jim

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